I am pleased to announce the opening of my new online shop on the fantastic
Not On The High Street website. Over the last couple of weeks I've been busy working on improved product shots and new items to feature in the shop. New note cards and limited edition prints coming soon!

Next weekend I am running a two day workshop that will look at all aspects of turning illustration into a business and how I have gone about it. We'll also have a go at gocco printing and create designs to screen print onto fabric. This will take place at The Bowery in Leeds. This class is fully booked but it will run again in November, more information
I have a number of other workshops coming up at the Bowery including
Drawing & Illustration,
Print Making (commencing 19/6/12),
Screen Printed Tote Bags and
Print Your Own Fat Quarter.
I will also be teaching a
Zine Making workshop at West Yorkshire Print Workshop on 19th May.
So I busy few month are coming up! New products to follow early next week.