It seems ASOS have taken my little cube chap and made him into a necklace pendant. I used to doodle this little fella as a student all over my sketchbooks. In 2006 I decided to develop the idea further and make a 3d model. Cube chaps became hand stitched little people and key rings, and also screen printed stationery and stickers etc...
Cube chaps have been my friends and my invention for quite some time, so seeing my idea taken and mass produced by a well known fashion brand is pretty upsetting.
Theft of creative works happens so often now. Several good friends of mine have had their work mimicked by big companies that should know better, for some it happens repeatedly and often.
I work for myself. I design and create my own ideas and I produce everything with my own hands. I do what I do because I don't want to be part of a bland mass produced society, I'm not interested in that. I really don't see the need for big brands to take the ideas of individuals without asking. If ASOS had simply contacted me to ask about using my design they could have paid me to do so rather than paying a designer to copy it.
Things need to change.