Yesterday I finished painting a mural at the
Bowery arts centre in Headingley, Leeds. Its a collection of hand painted picture frames, some of which house images and some house posters advertising upcoming creative courses at the Bowery. The mural is on the wall that leads into the classroom. I'll put some photos of the finished piece up on here soon, for now here's a few of the work in progress...
The image at the bottom shows 6 new screen prints recently finished and framed, they will be on display and for sale at the Bowery from Friday this week (15th). On Friday there is a private view for all of the new work that will be on display, its from 6pm-9pm I'll be there, come and say hello!
More photos of the new prints to follow soon, they'll be available in my
etsy shop soon too. Now, back to my coffee, book and much needed day off!